Founders Can Visit By Registering Below
If you are not yet a Founder, Click Here to Purchase One or More Acres
Choose one of four days to visit The Wild Animal Refuge this year.
* Note - These dates and events are only open to Founders that have purchased one or more acres at the Refuge.

Every Acre Buys Additional Freedom
Play an important part in this historical expansion of The Wild Animal Sanctuary with its new Wild Animal Refuge!
Each acre of land you purchase will create an amazing home for a newly-rescued Lion, Tiger, Bear, Wolf or other captive animal that deserves to be freed from a life of suffering and abuse.
Choose however many acres of land you want to buy below and continue to the checkout portion of this site. We thank you for joining us on this quest for freedom and will send you a Founding Member Certificate in honor of your generous purchase!
1 Acre = $777
2 Acres = $1,554
3 Acres = $2,331
4 Acres = $3,108
5 Acres = $3,885
6 Acres = $4,662
7 Acres = $5,439
8 Acres = $6,216
9 Acres = $6,993
10 Acres = $7,770
$5,000 = 6.4 Acres​
$7,500 = 9.6 Acres
$10,000 = 12.8 Acres
$15,000 = 19.3 Acres
$20,000 = 25.7 Acres
$30,000 = 38.6 Acres
$50,000 = 64.3 Acres
$75,000 = 96.5 Acres
$100,000 = 128.7 Acres
$150,000 = 193.0 Acres
Click Here if you would prefer to enter your own specific dollar amount...
Click Here if you would prefer to make monthly payments